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- Allows you to store entries to open and launch as needed with searching and other features.
- Built-In toggle to show window always on top or not.
- Customizable browser path, file launcher, and search url for searchwords.
- Customizable default group names for new/imported entries.
- Display/Hide parts of the interface you want/don’t want to show.
- Display/Hide selected columns as well as even hiding the column headers all together.
- Each entry may have short notes added or none at all totally up to you.
- Enter group names as appropriate for each entry if you don’t want the default group names to be used.
- Importation of plain text files with 1 entry per line and possible more import features will be implemented later down the road.
- List header goes based on filename with smart capitalization and removal of underscores for spaces.
- Move entries to a new group while holding the shift key and left clicking an entry and dropping over any entry in another group for automatic sort.
- Nice tool tips shown when hovering over the group name as well as entry information for each column.
- Search entries, notes, or just search both entries and notes at the same time.
- Text drag and drop with the option to toggle the showing of the dialog.
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Additional Screenshots
1.1.0 build 1
File Size
128.12 KB
File Count
Create Date
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Last update
2014-12-31 20:02:54
Last Updated
Friday, January 19, 2018